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Flex 4 TextFlow styling (the simple way)

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Recently, I was looking for a solution myself for the Text layout framework styling issues. It sounds so complicated to apply CSS styles to textFlow.

I am not sure if you guys would like it or not, I moved all my text styles to an XML file as below:


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<theme themeId=”2″ themeName=”bubbles”>
<component styleId=”heading1″ colour=”0x548AC6″ fontFamily=”MarkerFeltWidePlain” fontSize=”26″ textAlign=”right”/>
<component styleId=”body” colour=”0x000000″ fontFamily=”Sansation” fontSize=”11.5″ textAlign=”left”/>
<component styleId=”caption” colour=”0xFFFFFF” fontFamily=”Sansation” fontSize=”11″ textAlign=”center”/>
<component styleId=”question” colour=”0xFFFFFF” fontFamily=”MarkerFeltWidePlain” fontSize=”12″ textAlign=”left”/>
<component styleId=”wall” colour=”0x000000″ fontFamily=”Sansation” fontSize=”10″ textAlign=”left”/>

Now during app initialization, I read all my styles in a stylesColl (collection) after converting above to VO’s as below:


public class StyleVO
public var styleId:String;
public var colour:String;
public var fontFamily:String;
public var fontSize:int;
public var textAlign:String;

And here is the final bit, applying the style to textFlow:

private function applyStyles(tf:TextFlow):void
var ts:StyleVO = AppUtil.getObjectByPropertyValue(GlobalModel.stylesColl, ‘styleId’, someStyleName) as StyleVO;
var textLayoutFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
textLayoutFormat.fontLookup = FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
textLayoutFormat.renderingMode = RenderingMode.CFF;

textLayoutFormat.color = ts.colour;//0x336633;
textLayoutFormat.fontFamily = ts.fontFamily;//”Arial, Helvetica, _sans”;//
textLayoutFormat.fontSize = ts.fontSize;//14;
//textLayoutFormat.textAlign = ts.textAlign;//14;
//textLayoutFormat.paragraphSpaceBefore = 15;
//textLayoutFormat.paragraphSpaceAfter = 15;
//textLayoutFormat.typographicCase = TLFTypographicCase.LOWERCASE_TO_SMALL_CAPS;

tf.hostFormat = textLayoutFormat;

//IEditManager(tf.interactionManager).app .applyFormatToElement(tf, textLayoutFormat);
var prevManager:ISelectionManager = tf.interactionManager;
var editManager:EditManager = new EditManager();
var sel:SelectionState = new SelectionState(tf, 0, ste.text.length);
tf.interactionManager = editManager;
editManager.applyLeafFormat(textLayoutFormat, sel);
tf.interactionManager = prevManager;


And it all works very well.

Now, I can load that styles xml from anywhere, update it anytime and keep it simple.

Not sure how it limits me yet, if you know.. let me know about it.


Written by MD

January 15, 2013 at 10:43 AM

One Response

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  1. Reblogged this on There's A Place I Go and commented:
    I am going to have a play with this, looks interesting, thanks for sharing 🙂


    February 10, 2013 at 12:26 PM

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